About Me

George, a charming town nestled in the Western Cape province of South Africa, is where I currently reside. My love for photography has always been a constant in my life, even though my ultimate childhood dream was to become an Astronaut. However, I pursued my passion for flying and became a pilot. I fly fixed wing Aeroplanes, Paramotors, and also Paragliders, I plan to also do my Helicopter rating in the near future.

For me a camera is like a window to the world, allowing me to capture the beauty and essence of a moment in time. I love taking photographs of seascapes, landscapes, the night sky, and also developed a love for portrait photos over the years. Between work and studies I find myself in different parts of the world at various times. Although I do not always have access to breathtaking locations (depending on where i am located in that period of my life), I strive to make the most of what is available around me and capture it in a unique way to make it stand out. I look at every photo opportunity as a blank canvas, and I relish the freedom to capture & express how I saw that moment, which is the true beauty of photography.

Little background info on me:

My life has taken me on a unique journey over the past 13+ years. For over a decade I have worked on super yachts, sailing across the Mediterranean, Caribbean, parts of the Pacific Ocean, and around the United States, including 9 Atlantic Ocean crossings.

Born in 1989, I grew up in the small town of Knysna, South Africa, where I spent seven years sailing on the Knysna lagoon and competing in small sailing races. Additionally, I was part of the Naval Cadets for three years. On weekends I flew model Aeroplanes with my friends, as well as doing part time weekend work at the local photo shop.

Ive always wanted to become a pilot, all the way up to Airline level, and having spent most of my younger years on the water i saw yachting as a good way to work in a familiar environment whilst earning the finances I needed for my flying ambitions. I never finished my schooling years and as soon as I turned 18 I left South Africa (in fact my entire family left but at different times). I arrived in the South of France where I started in the yachting industry. 

For the past 13+ years I have been very blessed with traveling the world whilst working and I am extremely grateful for that. During my travels I have also had the privilege of meeting many people, including those who have influenced and changed the world as we know it today.

Despite the sacrifices I had to make, such as being away from family, friends, and land for long periods of time, I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that yachting has given me, and friendships that were made. It made me see the world in a different way that has forever changed my views on life.

I have always taken photos, during one of my flights towards building hours for my commercial pilot license, I took an aerial photo of my hometown Knysna, and to my surprise it went viral reaching over 100,000 people. That moment made me realize that I should start taking my photos more seriously. It ignited my love for photography again!

Currently I am in the process of working towards getting my Paramotor Tandem rating and finishing my Commercial Pilot License.

I plan to explore different parts of the world, depending on where my flying and photography take me. 

I have always done things differently, and I look forward to continuing this approach in the future, living and thinking outside the box.

My motto in life is: Never Give Up, Follow Your Dreams! :)